Around the Hasselfurth pond

Around the Hasselfurth pond

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This magnificent hiking trail is one of the must-see places in the Pays de Bitche. After walking along the Hasselfurth pond and the Entenbaechel pond, a small winding path will lead you to the Hochkopf, which is considered the highest point in Bitche (429 metres).
This circuit around the Hasselfurth pond, a few steps from the city, is full of wild waterside landscapes that will delight nature lovers.


This circuit is part of the paths of excellence of the Pays de Bitche (n°2). It is marked out with a red disc, completed with the green "Sentiers d'excellence" badge, for the entire duration of the route. Starting from the car park of the Hasselfurth pond, follow the left bank of the pond (towards the fitness trail). Climb up to the Widerschall and Hochkopf passes. At the Hochkopf, go down on the left to reach the right bank of the Hasselfurth pond and return to the starting point.
  • Departure : Parking of the Hasselfurth pond in Bitche
  • Arrival : Parking of the Hasselfurth pond in Bitche
  • Towns crossed : Bitche

1 point of interest

  • Pond

    Hasselfurth Lake


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of the Pays de Bitche

2 avenue du Général De Gaulle, 57230 Bitche (0)3 87 06 16 16

Access and parking

From the town centre of Bitche, follow the direction of Strasbourg. At the roundabout of the D620 and the D662, take the exit "Allée Jean Goss" (2nd exit coming from the centre of Bitche).

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