Trail of the three rocks
La Petite-Pierre

Trail of the three rocks

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Dive into the green ocean to discover the sandstone rocks around La Petite-Pierre!
The geological movements of the deformation of the Vosges caused the separation of whole sandstone compartments, creating faults and diaclases, zones of weakness in which the water of infiltration infiltrates, which enlarges these cracks and causes the detachment of whole sections of rocks that run down the slopes. The sandstone compartments remaining in place form beautiful ruiniform pitons with vertical or overhanging walls with a slab of conglomerates at their summits.


Leave the car park and head towards the portico of Club Vosgien, to the left of the playground.

Take the tarmac path that goes up between the fortifications and follow the red rectangle markers. After passing the Garden of Poets, the path becomes a forest path. Continue to Rocher du Corbeau, where a bench allows you to admire the view. Then descend on the path to the D178. Follow it for about 400 m before turning right.
Take the Sternthal forest path following the red easel towards the path of the three rocks, then towards the Rock of Pagans.
After a slight climb, take the hairpin turn to the left and join the red diamond trail. After a new ascent, arrive at the Rocher des Païens.
Walk along the Rock of Pagan and follow the yellow cross towards the Great Oak.
At the intersection with the yellow-ribbed, white-striped path, you can go to the Grand Chêne following the narrow path on the right. Then come back to the intersection and follow the yellow-barred white rectangle towards Rocher Blanc. Take the second road that goes to the left and go to the Rocher Blanc.
Follow the yellow rectangle path that descends to the right of the Rocher Blanc, then the yellow-ribbed rectangle road on the left, to return to La Petite-Pierre. Arrived in the main street, go to the right and continue straight to return to the car park of the Office of Tourism.

  • Departure : Parking in the old town, in front of the tourist office
  • Arrival : Parking in the old town, in front of the tourist office
  • Towns crossed : La Petite-Pierre and Eschbourg

6 points of interest

  • Panorama

    Garden of the Poets

    In the place called Altenbourg is the Poets' Garden, the former garden of the village teachers. Open all year round and equipped with benches and picnic tables, this garden with its flowers and statues, including one by Serge Wittman, is an excellent viewpoint over the Staedtel.
  • Geology

    Rocher du Corbeau

    Oder Rabenfels. Dieser 13 m hohe und 12 m lange Felsen bildet den Rand des Altenburger Plateaus. Seine imposante Natur wird noch deutlicher, wenn man um ihn herumgeht.
  • Geology

    Rocher des Païens

    This cliff of sandstone and conglomerates, 15 m high and 90 m long, may have taken its name from the druidic rites that took place there. At its top, a rather wide fault gives access to a cave, certainly dug by the water - be careful, the rock can be slippery, do not approach the edge!
  • Flora

    The Tall Oak

    A pedunculate oak admirable for its height of 40 m, with a trunk as straight as an i despite the difference in level, it has reigned over this forest mainly populated by beech trees for 2 to 3 centuries.
  • Geology

    Rocher Blanc

    Or Weisser Fels. A 21 m high sandstone cliff, topped by a 9 m by 14 m plateau, offering a very nice view of the old town of La Petite-Pierre and its surrounding forests.

    WARNING : from February to June, it is necessary to avoid approaching the rock to preserve the nesting of the peregrine falcon. Please respect the access restrictions if mentioned locally.

  • Monuments and architecture

    The House of the Pagans

    Built in 1534 at the initiative of Palatine Count Louis V, its architecture, unique in Alsace, is as much civil as miliary. Built on a rocky promontory overlooking the forest, the site was occupied by a watchtower in the Gallo-Roman era, as evidenced by traces of foundations in the cellar. Considered a high vibratory place, it would mark the location of a Celtic place of worship.


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of Hanau - La Petite Pierre

2A rue du Château, 67290 La Petite-Pierre (0)3 88 70 42 30

Access and parking

From Saverne, take the D1004 and take the D122 on the right. In Hammerweyer, take the D178 on the right to La Petite-Pierre.

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