Cross-border tour from Waldhouse to Hilstermühle

Cross-border tour from Waldhouse to Hilstermühle

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Straddling the Franco-German border, this route will take you to the heart of a bucolic countryside dotted with curiosities and unusual discoveries.
This cross-border trail will delight nature lovers as well as lovers of old stones!


This circuit is part of the paths of excellence of the Pays de Bitche (n°11). It is marked with a red disc and completed with the green "Trails of Excellence" badge all along the route. Leave the car park of the socio-cultural hall, cross the D86 (rue du stade) to reach the rue des prés. The German border is about 2.5 km away. Panorama of the surrounding villages after "Grossersteinbühl". Follow the "Hilstermühle" and then the path "Borderless brook". Head in the direction of the village of Walschbronn. Pass along a pink sandstone cliff. Arrival in Walschbronn via the main street. Passage near the Weckersburg Castle, built at the end of the 15th century (freely accessible). Return to the starting point in Waldhouse via Fountain Street, then School Street, Church Street, Mountain Street, Brühl Street and finally Chapel Street.
  • Departure : Parking of the socio-cultural hall, rue du stade, in Waldhouse
  • Arrival : Parking of the socio-cultural hall, rue du stade, in Waldhouse
  • Towns crossed : Waldhouse and Walschbronn

2 points of interest

  • Geology

    The Red Rock

  • Small patrimony

    Johann Scheid Fountain


Altimetric profile


Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

Information desks

Tourist Office of the Pays de Bitche

2 avenue du Général De Gaulle, 57230 Bitche (0)3 87 06 16 16

Access and parking

Join Waldhouse from the D35 A (axis between Bitche and Zweibrücken), by the D962. From Bitche, it is also possible to reach Waldhouse by the D162A (via Hanviller and Bousseviller). Car park located in the centre of the village, rue du stade.

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