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The route passes through picturesque valleys and the Pfälzerwald Biosphere Reserve, which is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Pfälzerwald/Northern Vosges. The villages on either side of this loop offer a wide variety of landscapes.


From Lembach, the cycle path leads along the Sauerbach stream. Past the campsite and the Fleckensteiner Weiher (bathing opportunity), the route runs along the D925 for a short distance until it turns left after the pond on an asphalt cycle path towards Hirschtal and on to Schönau. From there, the route leads past the Königsweiher pond in the direction of the Heilsbach education and leisure centre. We then turn right here and cross the wooden bridge of the Königsbruch. We continue on the water-bound cycle path slightly uphill to the Rumbacher-Höhe, then we ride downhill towards Rumbach. Arriving in the idyllic half-timbered village of Rumbach, we follow the cycle path to Bundenthal. We pass the Falkenmühle mill and cross the village of Bundenthal. At the end of the village, we turn right onto the cycle path, which goes up the hill to the junction with the K46, then we go downhill until we reach the picturesque village of Nothweiler. The route crosses the road from Lembach onto the cycle path, first slightly uphill, then downhill until we have Klein Wingen in front of us and then the pretty Alsatian village of Wingen. We then cycle past colourful meadows and fields until we arrive back at our starting point in Lembach.
  • Towns crossed : Lembach and Wingen


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