Our partners

This website was set up in collaboration with the Vosges du Nord Tourist Office:

Pays de Bitche Tourist Office: www.tourisme-paysdebitche.fr

Alsace Bossue Tourist Office: www.tourisme.alsace-bossue.net

Saverne and surrounding areaTourist Office : www.tourisme.alsace-bossue.net
Hanau - La Petite-Pierre Tourist Office: www.ot-paysdelapetitepierre.com

Sauer-Pechelbronn Tourist Office: www.tourisme-nordalsace.fr

Wissembourg Tourist Office: www.ot-wissembourg.fr

Niederbronn-les-Bains and surrounding areaTourist Office: www.niederbronn.com

l'Outre-Forêt Tourist Office: www.soultzsousforets.fr


Thank you to the members of the www.refuges.info website for their advice on shelters and hostels and to Mr Guy Schnell for letting us use photos from his fantastic blog: www.randoalsacevosges.com

We would also like to thank the author of the blog vosgesdunord.jimdo.com for the detailed information about the region which allowed us to enrich our site.

This website was set up with the financial help of our partners:

Massif des Vosges