The Kirchberg, between Thal and Berg

The Kirchberg, between Thal and Berg

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A country walk between Hill and Valley to discover the history of two villages once gathered in Kirchberg.
Formerly on the hill of Kirchberg, the inhabitants of Thal-Drulingen and Berg had a common origin. A first group separated from the community from the thirteenth century to settle at the foot of the mountain and formed the village of Thal (or "valley" in Germanic). It was not until the sixteenth century that the rest of the community left the hill to recreate another village of Berg ("mountain" in Germanic), along the Muhlbach, thus lower than its neighbor, Thal .


From the parking, go to the Kirchberg Chapel. Follow the yellow rings.

Go to the left of the chapel, to the panel "stone and water memory". Down the path below the panel, where you can see a beautiful view. At the intersection, follow the sign for Thal. At the next two intersections, go straight ahead.

 In Thal-Drulingen village, turn left. At the sign "Thal village-nest", turn right. Climb the hill in the village, then join the Schlossberg street that goes down to the right. Go straight until the fountain of 1900 then turn left. Go straight and turn right. Pass the small stone bridge then go through the stony path. When you reach the D179, turn left. Exit the village and follow the D179.

 At the sign, leave the road and take the agricultural road on your left. At the intersection, turn right.

 In the village of Berg, turn right at the first two intersections. At the information panel "Berg, village-street", turn left towards the church on the bridge over the Muhlbach. Go to the Bailli House and then retrace your steps and take the rue des willows, left. Follow the road to Kirchberg. At the intersection, turn right. Just before the next junction, take the dead end street on the left. Continue straight on the forest path that goes up. Further, a bench and a water information panel of Kirchberg. Keep going straight. At the next intersection, take the path that goes up to the left to the chapel.

  • Departure : Parking du Kirchberg, Berg
  • Arrival : Parking du Kirchberg, Berg
  • Towns crossed : Berg and Thal-Drulingen

8 points of interest

  • Castle-church-abbey

    Thal-Drulingen catholic church

  • Castle-church-abbey

    Thal-Drulingen Protestant Church

    Built on the plans of the Berlin architect Furstenau in 1898, it has in the south-east corner formed by the nave and the tower porch an external staircase turret accessible by both the nearby tower and the outside. A narrowed choir with a flat chevet closes the nave to the west. The nave is covered by a curved wooden ceiling (Source: Mérimée).
  • Small patrimony

    Guardhouse, fire pump depot

  • Castle-church-abbey

    Stengel from Berg Protestant Church

    Built in 1770 by the architect Stengel Friedrich Joachim following negotiations between the Count of Nassau-Sarrewerden and Louis XV to separate Protestant and Catholic cults, this "Quersaalkirche" listed in historical monuments is unique in France. The stucco ceilings were redone in 1790, the interior was renovated in the 19th century. The organ, meanwhile, was added in 1845. It has the distinction of having a nave without choir or transept. (Merimee)
  • Small patrimony

    Fountain P.K.

  • Small patrimony

    The House of the Bailiff

  • Flora

    Large-leaved Linden

  • Panorama

    Kirchberg Viewpoint


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of Alsace Bossue

90 rue Principale, 67430 Lorentzen (0)3 88 00 40 39

Access and parking

From the D1061, take the D96 towards Thal-Drulingen and take the first right then the first left.

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